你,妳,you and tu

聽了爸媽口述的過年好玩事,看了堂妹拍的照片,I wish I'm there too

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Une nouvelle année chinoise a commencé le 7 février 2008 et va se terminer le 25 janvier 2009.
L'année se trouve sous le signe de l'animal symbolique Rat et de l'élément cosmogonique Terre.

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Christmas Tree in Feb! Took it on the way to Downtown Campus 
The window of the bus is so dirty..that's why the quality of this photo is so bad

I am always late on Tue..even though I went out earlier this Tue

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  • Feb 03 Sun 2008 02:26
  • Music

Found another great musician-- > Josh Verdes
Love: Save me, Home, Suddenly

I LOVE YouTube and Realplayer dl function and my IPod : )

yingyivicky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Feb 01 Fri 2008 13:12
  • 提醒

Never realize that you gonna leave soon!
Coz it seems that you will be there all the time, even though we don't see each other often

That's real friend

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